Sen. Young has introduced SB 200 concerning “non-compliant” prosecuting attorneys. I expect this arises out of the Marion County Prosecutor’s determination that he wasn’t going to waste resources pursuing marijuana crimes involving amounts under an ounce. It creates a process whereby new Attorney General, Todd Rokita, could second guess that determination and ask the Supreme Court to appoint a trial court judge outside of the relevant county to consider whether to, in turn, appoint a special prosecutor who is a senior prosecuctor or prosecutor from outside of the county to seek out marijuana convictions or whatever the class of crimes not being enforced by the elected prosecutor may be.
The cherry on top is that the County whose authority is being usurped has to pay for the honor of getting a special prosecutor. Normally, the State pays prosecutor salaries.
Obviously, I object, but where did this notion of the GA that the AG is some kind of Super Prosecutor who struts about and orders Prosecuting Attorneys to do his bidding?
The Indiana AG is a combination of in-house counsel and the commerce clause lawyer for Indiana.
So much for Republican home rule
Hmmm can Marion County secede from Indiana?