An issue I blogged about (in response to a USA Today article) last June got some more attention from the Lafayette Journal & Courier’s David Smith.
Basically, Buyer has close ties to the Frontier Foundation that is getting a bunch of money from lobbyists and isn’t paying out that much money for its purported purpose. Buyer says, through a spokesman, that it isn’t his foundation, but it shares an office with his campaign and, until recently, it employed his daughter and his campaign finance director.
According to tax reports, the foundation has collected $830,148 in contributions, but the fair market value of its net assets was just $482,761 by the end of 2008.
During six years of operation, the organization has had $258,136 in operating expenses. Those included $83,150 in fundraising expenses, $48,264 for travel, and $4,499 for meals.
Gifts and awards accounted for 3.9 percent of the foundation’s expense total. Mattix was paid more each year to run the foundation — $12,000 in 2004, rising to $17,275 in 2007 and 2008 — than the foundation gave out in six years of operation.
. . .
So far this year, according to lobbying reports, PhRMA, a trade group representing pharmaceutical companies, has given $25,000 to Frontier Foundation in Buyer’s honor, and the National Association of Broadcasters has given $20,000.
The money is coming from sources that would never, ever donate this kind of money to this kind of foundation but for its very, very close relationship to a Congressman. The foundation is spending next to nothing on worthy causes. Instead, it appears to be a stipend for those close to Buyer and to pay for travel and dining.
I’m realistic enough to know that the Democrats are unlikely to win in this district. It would be nice if the Republicans would run a primary challenger who is smart, energetic, and honest – even if his or her political philosophy was different than mine. Then I could perhaps take some pride in my Congressional representation.
Buyer lies (like a rug).
I’ll trade you two Buyers for a Burton.
My son is going to college in 2011, I reside in Buyer’s district and I’d like to apply for some Frontier Foundation funds. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
“Greenwood liberal’s son receives funds for education from Buyer-the-Wingnut”
I love the sound of that, so if you have any contact info. for this foundation, please pass it along.
From non-profit
It’s even worse. According to the 2009 filing with the Indiana Secretary of State, Buyer’s daughter, Colleen Buyer, and his son, Ryan Buyer, are listed as directors of the Frontier Foundation. Ryan Buyer’s address is listed as the same as Steve Buyer’s.
The donors to the Frontier Foundation are a subset of those who also give to his Storm Chasers PAC. Clearly the travel expenses and the salary of Mattix are political expenses masked as charitable expenses.
More reason to make all politicians stay in their hometown office and conduct business over secure lines when needed. Take the politicians out of Washington and put them local people can keep watch over them.
Stop all money from lobbyist and corporations. If these people we elect do not want to do the right thing then we vote them out with people that will do the right thing.
Stop sitting back and waiting for someone else to complain and make it better, make your voice heard.