The Indy Star has an article entitled Rep. Buyer hobbles back to work. He suffered a knee injury while skiing in December and has now returned to D.C. after undergoing physical therapy in Lafayette. I would have liked more detail on the nature of his injury just so I could compare his experience with my own. Back in January 2004, I suffered a knee injury of my own while skiing — it was a tibial plateau fracture. I believe I missed work for about a week.
It’s altogether possible his knee injury was more severe and actually necessitated him missing work for 5 or 6 weeks. The cynical side of me says that he was happy enough to miss votes on some of the popular but non-conservative bills the House Democrats moved forward in their “first 100 hours.”
It occurs to me that Mark Souder and Mike Pence must have been awfully lonely in Congress this past January. Their former colleagues, Chris Chocola, Mike Sodrel, and John Hostettler were voted out of office. Steve Buyer was laid up with a knee injury. And Dan Burton, aside from showing up to cast the lone vote against ethics reform and criticize investigation of the disappearance of billions of dollars, was out on the golf course. Their merry group of 7 had been reduced to 2.
You ask, I find:
Thanks for doing the leg-work (so to speak.) 3 ligaments? Ouch.
Not to pile on— but Buyer is not just rhetorically “lame” any more? Hm… Karma is a wicked mistress!
He pretty much had to return to work because he wasn’t about to miss attending the Super Bowl in Miami last weekend where he was seen by many. I don’t know about you, but if I’m recovering from an injury like that and hobbling around on crutches, a crowded public event is the last place I want to be.
When I had my crutches, going off to a restaurant was a major hassle. As luck would have it, I’m about to head off to the place that was the least convenient for me while I was gimping around – the Jasper County courthouse in Renssalaer. Steps everywhere. I think they have an elevator but maybe it’s tucked away in the back. Not a crutch-friendly environment.
(And, I think either today or Feb. 6 marked the 3 year anniversary of my surgery. I’m now able to run about 5 miles. So, thanks doc!
Hey, if I had face value Super Bowl tickets available for the asking, I’d be there myself.
When Purdue made their first trip to the Rose Bowl in over 30 years a few years ago, I’d have drug myself from my grave to be there.
Now, now, Doug. There’s nothing wrong with Rep. Burton playing a little golf.
I take the view that we are probably all better off when Congress is not in session. Is there any way that we could require ALL senators and house members to play in that tournament each year?